Pesky Moth Season is here

On Tuesday 14 May I was joined live on our social media channels by Amir from Village Dry Cleaners and we were talking about those pesky little critters – moths!


Anyone with a wardrobe full of clothing made from quality fabrics such as cashmere, merino wool, feathers, silks and even leathers dread this time of year; for fear their lovely garments (and homewares too – including carpets and bedding) fall foul to the moth larvae who nibble into the fabric leaving little holes and ruin clothes.

Spring brings with it lighter nights and the promise of warmer weather, but it also brings moth season, which lasts right through till autumn, and with our windows and doors flung open its easy for flying moths to flutter into our homes. Once in, they can wreak havoc. But it’s not all moths that are so destructive, it’s only the tiny golden variety commonly knowns as clothes moths, once they lay their eggs the moth larvae mainly feed on keratin which is a protein found in natural fibres, and the better quality the natural fabric, the more the moths are attracted to it. I guess it’s like choosing the best thing on the menu in a restaurant!

But it’s no joke when you see those tiny holes in your most expensive cashmere sweater or pure wool suit. It is actually heart-breaking and not the least bit very annoying!

As with anything, prevention is better than cure if you act quickly to avoid an infestation getting out of hand. Using the right products in your home and committing to a routine of moth prevention maintenance will keep the pesky critters at bay.

Our expert moth moguel Amir recommends a routine of moth spray killer which can be used directly on fabrics, a moth killer (trap) which you place in your home, sachets for drawers and hanging sachets for wardrobes. These products are easily available on Amazon and actually smell quite pleasantly of lavender, a scent moths detest. Who knew?

If you have seen little holes in your clothes, there are very clever people who can repair them, check out Nearly New Cashmere who offer this very helpful service.

If you’re worried about moths and feel you need help or advice you can contact Amir directly here. You can also watch the interview on our Facebook or Instagram pages for the low down.

Wishing you a moth free summer!
Love Christine x